• Buying
  • Renting


  • Immediately available
  • Worldwide delivery
  • Constant intensive maintenance
  • Personal assistance
  • Over 40 years of experience
  • Repair or replacement of defective rental products

Detailed product description

Wir verkaufen Anreißbaender. Für weitere Informationen zum Inhalt der Anreißbänder nehmen Sie unverbindlich mit uns Kontakt auf! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage.


Anreißbänder in einer magnetischen und in einer nicht magnetischen Ausführung lieferbar. Diese helfen, Gehrungsschnitte auf das Rohr zu übertragen.

Lee Raparound 2.50 x 48” ( < R6”)
Lee Raparound 4.00 x 60” ( < R12”)
Lee Raparound 5.75 x 60” ( < R18 “)
Lee Raparound Big Inch 7 x 90” ( < R12-24”)
Lee Raparound Big Inch 7 x 120” ( < R20-36”)
Lee Raparound Big Inch 7 x 150” ( < R30-48”)
Lee Raparound Big Inch 7 x 190” ( < R42-60”)

Pipeline Equipment ist Ihr kompetenter Partner für Anreißbaender. Unsere Mitarbeiter beraten Sie gerne zu dem Thema Anreißbaender. Sprechen Sie uns unverbindlich an!
>> Zu den Ansprechpartnern

Customers and partners

Request product

Big projects - big responsibility: With over 40 years of experience, we work in partnership on international pipeline and plant construction projects. We provide comprehensive support for your pipeline project and offer you high-quality machines and accessories as well as reliable services from a single source. We value the partnership-based cooperation with our international customers. Fast project planning, flexible express logistics and competent on-site advice are a matter of course for us before and during the project phase.

Renting advantages

  • Express delivery worldwide
  • Maintenance and repair included
  • Free consultation and planning

Buying advantages

  • Used and new products
  • First-class maintenance of used products
  • Free consultation and planning

Non-binding inquiry

    Please note: You can revoke your approval anytime for the future by writing an E-Mail to pe@pipeline-equipment.de
    You can find detailled information about how we handle user data within our privacy policy.

    Pipeline Equipment Services

    We are happy to support you with your project. That's why we offer you the following services: Advice & Project Planning, Repair & Replacement, Express Delivery and Buy & Rent. You can find more information here:


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